Code of Conduct for Players, Parent/Family

Parent/Family Code of Conduct

  • I understand that I am representing DMV Impact, and I will always do my best to positively represent the organization and its values.
  • I promise to let the coaches coach and will not coach my child or child’s team from the sidelines during practices or games.
  • I promise to let the referees ref and will not yell at them or berate them before, during, or after games.
  • I will do my job as a parent, which means that I will not speak negatively about any coach or player, but rather positively encourage and support my child and my child’s teammates and coaches.
  • I will abide by the “24 Hour Rule”, which means I will not speak to my child’s coach or any DMV Impact staff member including but not limited to, managers, directors, and other coaches, etc. about playing time or game strategy within 24 hours after a game ends.
  • I understand that basketball is a team sport and attendance at practice and games has a direct impact on my child's teammates. I will do my best to have my player present at practice and games.

 Player Code of Conduct

  • I understand that I am representing DMV Impact Basketball, and I will always do my best to positively represent the organization and its values.
  • I will demonstrate good sportsmanship, which means I will be respectful of all players, coaches, referees, and parents.
  • I will not whine, complain, make excuses, or pout when things do not go my way.
  • I promise to be as enthusiastic about the success and accomplishments of my teammates as I am of my own.
  • I will abide by the “24 Hour Rule”, which means I will not speak to my coach or any DMV Impact staff member including but not limited to, managers, directors, and other coaches, etc. about playing time or game strategy within 24 hours after a game ends.
  • I understand that basketball is a team sport and my attendance at practice and games has a direct impact on my teammates. I will do my best to be present at practice and games.

Technical Fouls/Ejections

Any player that receives a technical foul will automatically be subbed out of the game by the team coach. It will then be up to the team coach depending on the nature of the technical as to if that player re-enters the game. Any player ejected from the game will be automatically suspended for the remainder of that tournament and further disciplinary action may be taken by DMV Impact.

Communication with Coaches

Players should email, call, or text coaches to set up a time outside of practice and tournaments to discuss skill development, playing time, team chemistry or other issues that may arise. Coaches will talk or meet with players in a public, neutral area to discuss the player’s concerns. Coaches will give direct feedback to players to use as a guideline for resolving the issue. Players are expected to reply to coach emails within a timely manner.